Where words have no boundaries.

Where words have no boundaries.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Chapter 2

This is the second piece in my story. Scroll down to locate the first chapter.

Her cell phone screaming in her ear, Brianna looked at the time and wondered who could be calling her so damn early knowing that she “works” late night. Looking at the caller id, she saw the name of her best friend since middle school.

“Brittany, this had better be damn good!” Brianna growled into the phone. “And it better not be about that punk ass Jason, because I’ve been told you to leave his ass”

“Girl, stop complaining and wake yo ass up” Brittany beamed from the other end. “I gotta tell you what happened to me last night”

Seeing that Brittany was in a much more energetic mood than she was, and knowing that when she got like this it usually meant no sleep for Brianna, she pulled herself up from under the covers and braced for the speed-talking she was about to endure. One thing about Brittany was, when she got really excited about something, you would swear she was Spanish. The phrase ‘talking a mile a minute’ had to be coined after someone met her, Brianna thought to herself. But this was her girl, her ace boon since the day Brianna caught Brittany in the bathroom getting jumped by some girls that were in the 8th grade. Brianna and Brittany were both in the 7th grade, but probably could have passed for 5th graders, as small as they were. When Brianna walked into the bathroom, she saw 2 burly 8th graders hurling insults and fists at Brittany, obviously jealous of the beauty that Brittany possessed and tried their best to play God and change the way she look. Without hesitation, Brianna took her lock out of her backpack, balled her hand into a fist so that the loop was around her middle finger, and jumped in swinging at the two girls. Brianna may have been small, but fighting was something she was used to, growing up in the hood she was in and being the smallest of 5 children, all of them boys. So fighting these girls was like a walk in the park for her. After the smoke cleared, Brittany and Brianna were walking out exchanging phone numbers, and the 8th graders were left slumped against the bathroom wall. After that day Brittany became part of the Untouchable Crew, consisting of Brianna and another friend from her hood, Candy.

“You know I work at night right? And you know that I don’t get out of the bed before 2 o’clock, so calling me at 11 is….”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah…you always threatening somebody! You my girl and you not gonna put a hand on me, so save that drama for yo muthafuckin momma” Brittany interrupted.

“Bitch, just go ahead” Brianna replied, laughing inside because she knew it was true. Brittany was the sister she never had, and no one was going to harm her. As for the Jason situation, she offered to pop that nigga, but Brittany swore that she loved him, so Brianna let him live.

“Well, of course, me and Jason got into another argument last night” Brittany started. “Stop huffing over there woman, I don’t need to hear your opinions on Jason right now. So anyways, we had an argument, and I ended up leaving. As I was driving around, I found myself in Tyreke’s neighborhood”

“Found yourself?” Brianna joked.

“Ok, well maybe not found” Brittany laughed. “But I decided that since I was there, I would stop by and at least knock on the door since he had changed his number. Girl, I was so scared because I didn’t know what to expect. Maybe he had a girl in there, or maybe he didn’t want to see me. Just as I was about to turn away, the door opened, and he was looking the same, probably even better! Once inside, we started talking and drinking. It began to get late, and I’m sure he could tell that I didn’t want to go back home, so he invited me to stay. But when it came time to go to sleep, he had the nerve to offer me his bed while he slept on the couch. As horny as I was!! Then to top it off, I think Jason called his phone, but I’m not sure”

“Oh shit! What did Reke say?” Brianna asked.

“I don’t know. I heard him out there raising his voice a little, then he stopped. At first I thought it was a girl, but soon after that, Jason starts blowing my phone up and sending text messages saying I better not be over to that nigga house. Then Tyreke came in the room to get his charger out of the bathroom, and I was thinking to myself that it’s now or never. I already had on nothing but one of his t-shirts because I took a shower over there. I positioned myself so that I was laying on my stomach with the shirt up midway of my ass. As soon as that light came on, I believe he was burning a hole in my ass the way I caught him staring! Let’s just say I had the best fucking time of my life. Pun intended!!! Oh, and after listening to you and your stories and deciding to reenact a piece of it, I have a newfound love for swallowing!”

“You’re such a slut” Brianna joked, happy that her friend was happy. She had actually liked Tyreke, and wanted her friend to be with him. But they had their differences, and she wasn’t about to try to tell Brit how to live her life. She was just there to support her friend through whatever. “But that’s what's up girl. I’m glad somebody got some! Now you got me over here wetter than Hurricane Katrina! I swear, it seems like its been 3 years since I’ve gotten some good…hold up….Huh? It’s under the sink.” Brittany could hear Brianna yell to someone else in the house.

“Hold up, you got somebody over there, and you didn’t tell me?! Yo sneaky ass!” Brittany exclaimed.

“Girl, that’s just Candy. You know that ho don’t like to go home after we leave the club. So she came over here last nite.” Brianna explained.

“You about to get some in a lil bit” Brittany teased, knowing that Candy went both ways and had been trying to get with Brittany and Brianna for years.

“I see you got jokes” Brianna laughed. “Shit, as long as it’s been since I had my pussy ate, I….nah, I changed my mind. I love dick too much, even if them cheap ass niggas don’t tip good at the club. With the way some of them lesbian strippers act at the job, I’ll just keep dealing with these no good niggas. Women are too emotional for me!”

“I feel ya girl. Well let me get ready to go over to Mom’s. I’m supposed to help her clean out the attic today. Damn I wish I hadn’t agreed to this.” Brit pouted.

“So you just call me out of my sleep, tell me about your sexcapades, which got me horny now, and then you gonna get off the phone?! That’s what you get. I hope Momma Pearl have your ass in there all day slaving!” Brianna teased. “But tell her I say hey, and I’ll see her soon.

“Forget you! And I’ll tell her. You know she gonna ask about your stank ass anyway, like you her child or something. Nobody in my family likes you!” Brittany teased her. “Now let me go. Oh, and love you sis!”

“Love you too. Bye, with your crazy ass. And your family don’t like me, they love me” she was saying while Brittany was trying to hang up to prevent Brianna from getting the last word, a little game that they played for the longest.

Laying back down, Brianna wondered what to get into today since she didn’t have to work tonight. Monday’s at the club were usually a dead night, so she always took that day to rest up from the always hectic weekend that went on at Sugar Ray’s Gentlemen’s Club. Retrieving a blunt from the ashtray, she sparked it up and let the kush take her mind to another level. Finally she got up out of the bed and walked to the bathroom.

“Aye girl, you didn’t use all the hot water did you” she yelled through the door to Candy. “I gotta shower too, you know”

She heard Candy mumble something, then heard her respond “you know I didn’t use all the hot water girl. Stop trying to play me.” She opened the door to let some of the steam out as she rinsed the toothpaste out of her mouth.

“You look like you just caught a face load” Brianna joked, laughing at all the toothpaste around Candy’s mouth. “Nope” she continued to laughed, responding to Candy giving her the middle finger as she poured mouthwash into her mouth.

As Brittany walked around gathering her things, Candy was watching her, admiring the curves of her best friend. Damn the things I would do, Candy thought to herself. For years she had tried to get with Brittany and Brianna, but they were unreceptive to her advances, blowing them off as jokes. One time, Candy almost got Brianna to let her lick her pussy, only for Brianna to back out at the last minute, becoming sober for a brief moment after they had downed two bottles of wine one night. Once Brianna removed her shorts and T-shirt and threw them into her hamper, Candy almost swallowed the mouthwash. She spit the it out as Brianna was coming into the bathroom to turn the shower on. After starting the water, Brianna wrapped her hair, still puffing on the blunt. Once she put her shower cap on, she turned her head to Candy, who was inches away from her lips, and blew a cloud of smoke in her face.

“You ho” Candy choked, slapping Brianna on the ass as she was walking away. Upon the slap, Brianna started making her ass clap, a technique that she had learned and perfected after working at Sugar Ray’s. “Keep right on” Candy teased, her pussy starting to moisten at the sight of her best friends caramel complexion ass jiggling to the music that was playing in the background.

“Here, take this” Brianna said, passing the blunt to Candy and blowing another cloud of smoke into her face before jumping into the shower. “Oooh, this feels so damn good right now. I see why your ass was in here for so long,.

“Yeah girl, I needed that shit” Candy said between puffs. “That damn massage setting on your shower head feels like somebody actually touching you”

“Yes girl. It’s already been forever since I’ve felt somebody touching me. And them dirty men at Sugar Ray’s definitely don’t count.” Brianna said. After she washed, she sat there under the water, letting it fall all over her body as she let the massage setting do it’s job. Feeling relaxed, she let her mind wander, closing her eyes and letting the water touch her body. First it caressed her breasts, feeling like soft hands on them, making her nipples stand at attention. It pinched her nipples, causing her to slightly moan. She tried not to be too loud because she didn’t want Candy to hear her. Next the water slid down her body until it got to her clit. She could feel the pulsating water thumping against her, massaging her, hitting the spot that had been yearning for attention but had been deprived for what seemed like ages. Determined to get all of her, she felt the water lifting her leg. She laughed a little to herself knowing that the water couldn’t actually lift her leg, but that it was actually her imagination. Suddenly she was feeling as if she needed the water to go deeper. As she lifted her leg up to let the water touch her in her most intimate spots, she felt it running up and down her pussy. She felt the water go into a circular motion around her clit, and then run back down to the entrance of her pussy. She was so wet now, she wasn’t sure if it was the water or her juices dripping down her legs. Brianna being to squeeze her titties as the water had it’s way with her. Feeling something building up inside her, she held totally still, letting the water take her to the land of Orgasm, a place that she tried to frequent as much as possible. Feeling that this trip was going to be bigger than previous trips, she held on to the wall, bracing for what was to come, literally. As her body begin to shudder, she instinctively reached down and to her surprise, grabbed a head full of hair. She tried to look down, but the water running over her face, mixed with the orgasm cascading out of her body, made it slightly difficult to see. Wiping the water out of her face, her vision cleared, and she noticed Candy down on her knees, licking Brianna as if she her juices was the fountain of youth. Shocked, but unable to move, Brianna kept her hand on Candy’s head, pushing her face deeper into her pussy, trying to get all of the cobwebs out. Once she stopped shaking, Candy stood up, a look of remorse on her face.

“Sorry Brianna, I didn’t mean to. It was just seeing you in here…..” Candy said, before being stopped by Brianna’s finger being placed on Candy’s lips. Suddenly Brianna moved in, placing her full lips on Candy’s as they embraced underneath the water, their tongues mimicking the moves their bodies make on the strip pole at night.

Upon pulling away, Candy had a confused, yet elated look on her face.

“Well, like I tell my friends, if you do for me, best believe I’ll do for you” Brianna told her. “So, I guess it’s time we take this into the bedroom, if you don’t mind me returning the favor.”

“Not at all” Candy quickly replied, walking behind Brianna as she watched her wet ass shake and shine under the light. “Definitely not at all!”…..

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