Where words have no boundaries.

Where words have no boundaries.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Chapter 1


.....she arrived at the door, the scene all to familiar. Standing out in the rain, she contemplated turning around and leaving, but where would she go? Knocking lightly, she secretly hoped he wasn’t home. Just as she was about to turn away, a voice groggily came from the other side. “Who is it?” . Nervously, she responded, “It’s me, Brittany”. As she heard the locks turning, her heartbeat increased with anxiety. As the door opened, she realized why she couldn’t get enough of this man. Tyreke, her ex-boyfriend of 3 years, stood before her in basketball shorts and a wifebeater, sleep etched all across his face. Even after being awakened out of his sleep, he was still able to send butterflies to her stomach and spasms into her pussy. As he gazed into her eyes, he saw the hurt behind them, wondering why she continued to go through this. But for some reason, he couldn’t turn his back on her.

“Hey Reke. Sorry about waking you up. I can leave if you want me too” she said, knowing that she didn’t really mean it.

“Nah, you good Brit Brit” he said, using his pet name for her that always made her smile. “Besides, where else you gonna go?” he joked, knowing that she always came here because she knew he would comfort her.

Tyreke thought about being back with her, but he wasn’t sure how things would go now. It had been awhile since they were together as a couple. But after all they’ve been through, good and bad, she had a special place in his heart. He knew about the beatings she suffered at the hands of her new lover, Jason. And as much as he wanted to show Jason how it felt to beat somebodys’ ass, he knew that Brittany would just run back to him after Jason made up some sorry ass story about how he wouldn’t hurt her again. So it was pointless for him to get involved directly. The best thing he could do for her was let her know that she had a friend.

“Do you have anything to drink?” she asked, bringing him out of his thoughts.

“Yeah, I got some juice, water, and a half a bottle of Ciroc. What would you like?”

Knowing that he always kept Ciroc on hand because it was still his favorite drink, even after all of these years, she replied, “can I get a double shot of Ciroc please”.

Tyreke looked at her for a brief moment, knowing that Brittany wasn’t a drinker and the powerful liquor would soon have her tipsy. But he fixed her a drink anyways, knowing how the clear liquid can make you feel as if everything is gonna be ok, even if it’s temporary. He then poured himself a double shot, thinking “what the hell. No need to make her drink alone”. As they sipped, they exchanged small talk about what’s been going on with them lately. She was getting back into grad school, something she always wanted to do but had to wait until Jason approved of it because he thought she was going to find someone else at the university. He was a very jealous and possessive guy, and didn’t mind letting her know each time he put his hands on her because of what he ‘thought’ she was doing. Tyreke let her know that he had just got a new job that included a $20,000 pay raise, his own office, and half the responsibilities he endured while working for Microtech Inc. Pouring each another shot, Tyreke toasted to their good fortunes and they finished their drinks.

“Well it’s getting late, and I know you’re prolly tired, so I guess we should call it a nite” Tyreke stated after they had carried on chatting for about another 30 minutes. Leading her to his room, he said “You can take my bed and I’ll sleep on the couch because the guest bedroom’s bed hasn’t been put together yet.”

“Ok” she responded, although he could see a hint of disappointment in her face at the mention of them being in separate rooms. “I don’t bite, you know” she joked, hoping he would pick up on the hint.

“You better not be slobbering all over my pillows either” Tyreke said, knowing where she was trying to take it, but diverting it elsewhere because he knew the alcohol was taking effect on her.

“Whatever Tyreke!” she exclaimed, thinking about wanting to slobber on him. “You know you were the one who always drooled in his sleep! You remember that time you woke up and your face was stuck to the pillow!??”

As they laughed at the flashback, he gently touched her arm as he walked around her. They both felt the surge of hot electricity travelling through their bodies. Quickly Tyreke turned away and gathered his things.

“Well I’ll be right out here if you need me” he said, leaving Brittany standing in his bedroom, her obvious feeling of horniness evident all over her face. And all through her panties. Thinking to herself, she wanted to say “I need you now, no need to leave the room.” But she held back, not wanting to scare away the one true friend she had.

As they both lay in their respective places, Tyreke couldn’t help noticing how aroused Brittany had gotten him. He thought back when they were toegether and she would step out of the shower, her naked body still wet from the water, glistening in the light. Her breasts would sit up so pretty, like caramel grapefruits. She always complained that she thought they should be bigger, but he was very content with the size. Her pretty nipples were so sensitive that, upon each flicker, he swore she was on the verge of an orgasm the way she moaned and squirmed. Her stomach was flat and toned. But what was below her waist is what made him coo like a baby. Her legs were thick, yet firm, leading to a nice large, round, soft backside, thanks to all those years of track. Even to this day, she made sure she hit the gym 3 times a week. They used to lay in the bed all morning on some days, watching tv or talking, while he rubbed her butt. It was soothing for both of them, almost therapeutic.

Brittany was fresh out of the shower. After lotioning her body all over, she put on one of Tyrekes’ white t-shirts. Her nipples became erect as the scent of him was all over her body now. Laying in the bed, she thought about how long it had been since she last felt him. Nine months and 13 days, and counting. That was when Jason had suspected her of cheating after she came in smelling like Issey Miyake Summer, Tyreke’s cologne of choice. Although she tried to lie and say she had ran into an old friend and he gave her a hug, Jason still beat her, fracturing one of her ribs. After that, she decided to stay away from Tyreke for awhile, because for some reason, she was powerless when it came to him. She started thinking about his strong hands rubbing her body, his soft lips as they kissed her tender spots, his muscular physique holding her as they made love. And his dick seemed to fill up every inch of her pussy. He was the biggest she ever had, but yet he knew how to give it to her without causing pain, unlike Jason, who would ram his little dick inside of her and when she cry out in pain, think he was King Ding-A-Ling. The more she thought about Tyreke, the wetter her pussy got. Not having on any panties, she slowly slid one of her hands down to her wet spot, dipping a finger inside of her. As she started to build up a rhythm, slight moans escaped her lips. Now raising the shirt up to her shoulders, she squeezed her breasts with her other hand, imagining it was Tyreke who was pleasuring her.

Out on the couch, Tyreke started to hear some noises floating through the air. At first he thought he was hearing things, but as he listened, he made out the faint noises of a whisper. Thinking it was his neighbors going at it again, he laughed to himself until he remembered that they were out of town for the week. Standing up, he slowly walked to his bedroom door, where on the other side he heard Brittany moaning and whispering his name. As he listened to Brittany fantasizing about him, his dick starting to struggle against the confines of his underwear. Without even thinking, he pulled his dick out, stroking it to the sounds coming from his bedroom. As he stroked, he imagined being inside Brittany. Damn it’s been so long, he thought to himself. At least 9 months. Sure he’s had other lovers. There was Tiffany, who squirted everytime he ate her. Or Lisa, with the head skills that always brought a tear to his eyes. But none could hold a candle to the total ecstasy that Brittany use to bring to him. As he picked up his pace, his cell phone rang on the floor next to the couch. Cursing whoever it was that was calling, he crept back over to the couch and picked it up.


“Is my girl over there”


“Yo nigga, is my girl over there?”

By now, Tyreke made out the husky voice of Jason on the other end. And he couldn’t believe the nigga had the audacity to call his phone. Jason was cool with some street dudes, but none of them were any real thug types, the kind that Tyreke grew up around all his life and got respect from. Tyreke, or Ruthless Reke as the streets called him, was known in the hood for busting heads or guns, whichever one his foe resorted to. But he was also a smart dude who was about making something out of himself, determined to be a role model for his younger brother. He just wouldn’t take no shit from anywhere, instilled in him by his pops, a well-known hustler who died when he was 15. Jason didn’t know this about him, and thought Tyreke was another punk with a good job who got lucky with Brittany.

“Yo nigga, who the fuck is this calling my phone. And if you gotta ask some stupid shit like is your girl over here, then it sounds like she with a bitch ass nigga!” Tyreke was fuming now, but he kept his voice low so as not to make Brit aware of the conversation.

“Yo if my girl over there, tell her she betta have her ass home in 30 minutes. Or else” Jason warned.

“Or else what? You just gonna beat your little dick until she do come home” Tyreke said, while laughing and hanging up the phone. Brittany always felt the need to tell Tyreke about how his sexual prowess was better than the other guys she dealt with, including Jason.

He started pacing the floor a little bit, thinking about smashing Jason’s head in. Brittany, aware of the phone call but not being able to hear anything being said, had stopped her session, wondering who could it be? Was it one of Reke’s girls? Had Jason got his number from the time he went through her phone and decided to call looking for her? After pondering these ideas for a second, she was interrupted by a knock on the door.

“Brittany, you up?

“Yeah, what’s up?” she replied, her pussy jumping up and down like it had been waiting for its master all day. She lowered her shirt back down, it stopping at her thigh.

“I need to get my charger. My phone is about to die”. He was still a little upset about Jason calling him.

“Oh ok. Well come and get it.”

As Tyreke opened the door, he realized just how dark his room can get at night.

“Umm, I need to turn on the light because I can’t see a damn thang. Is that alright with you?”

“It’s your house, silly” she said.

As he turned on the light, he headed to the corner to retrieve his charger. When he turned around to walk out of the room, he couldn’t help but notice that she was laying on her stomach, with the blanket around her knees, and the t-shirt halfway covering her butt. Her pussy was shaved, but not hairless. And it looked like there was hint of fluid resting around the lips. She had her back to him, so he stared a little for a little while.

“I guess you used it up talking to all your little girlfriends” she teased, trying to carry on a conversation with him because she knew her ass was on display by the slight breeze she felt from the fan as it turned its head from side to side. Keeping her back to him, she wanted him to see what she had to offer, hoping he would accept.

“Nah, you know me. I’m not one for talking on the phone like that. And as far as girlfriends, I’m still single as a one dollar bill” Tyreke quipped. He still hadn’t taken his eyes off her butt, the Ciroc whispering in his ear.

She turned around to face him, causing the shirt to come up a little more, exposing 3/4 of her round mound of brown. Noticing that his dick was hard, and on the verge of revealing itself down his boxer briefs’ leg, she giggled and said “well you may not have any, but I know he has to have some” while gesturing with her eyes to his third leg.

So caught up in what she was showing him, he was totally unaware of his erection, or the fact that it was almost out of the bottom of his underwear. Slightly embarrassed, he laughed at her and walked out.

Laying back on the couch, he closed his eyes and started reminiscing on how she used to feel when he was inside her. He swore that she was the perfect fit, taking every inch of his large member. As he laid there, a familiar smell hit his nose. Feminine, exotic, strong yet intoxicating. When he opened his eyes, he noticed Brittany standing right in front of him, naked, with his head only inches away from her love mound.

“What you doing Brittany” he asked, while rising into a sitting position.

“This she said” straddling him as she kissed his lips.

“Hold up, we” he said, as she kissed him midsentence. She kept kissing until she felt him being responsive back, his lips engulfing hers as how much they missed each other was being silently told through their lips. She noticed his hard dick underneath her, her pussy resting on top of it. She stood up, grabbing his hand as she led him to the bedroom. Standing next to the bed, she turned around and kissed him. Standing on her tiptoes to get her 5’4 frame as close to his 6’3 height, she wrapped her arms around him as he lifted her into his arms. He laid her on the bed, still kissing her as she laid back, feeling like a queen. He nibbled her earlobe, inching towards the spot behind her ear that made her weak with desire. As she moaned and panted, he went down to her neck. As if following an imaginary trail, he placed kisses all over her body, going down her sides, her stomach, between her breasts. Tyreke knew that her breasts were standing tall and waiting for attention, but he kissed all around them, driving Brittany insane. Just when he felt she couldn’t take it anymore, he took her nipple into his mouth, causing her to gasp out. He nibbled, flicked his tongue across, and sucked her nipples. Brittany felt like she was in her personal paradise. After getting enough of her soft breasts, Reke started his journy downward. In anticipation of what was to come, Brittany seemed to have broken a dam between her legs the way juices flowed out. Getting to her thighs, he sucked and nibbled. Then he turned her over, kissing the back of her thighs and knees, the latter sending direct signals to her dam to keep the water flowing. Slowly he made his way back up, placing kisses onto her butt. Between his lips and her butt, it was like placing marshmellows onto soft pillows. She wasn’t sure how he did it, but Tyreke knew just what to do to kiss her ass and make her feel good. Sliding his face down, he put his tongue into her wet hole, barely able to breathe with her cheeks covering his nose. Brittany cried out in pleasure, grinding on his face as he tonguefucked her. Throwing it back, she giggled to herself at how Tyreke’s tongue went deeper than Jason’s dick could. She felt him lifting her pelvis in the air, allowing him to get to what he been longing for. As he licked the little love button, she felt a wave of euphoria overcome her body. Something about the way he wrapped his lips around her clit as he flicked his tongue always brought her to a quick orgasm, and today was no exception. Feeling it building up, she cried out his name, letting him know to hold that position for a few more seconds. The steady flicking and sucking made her legs tremble, as she let go of the cream that she had built up inside of her. As she orgasmed, he lapped away at her juices. Finally she started squirming, pleading for him to stop because she couldn’t take it anymore, her clit too sensitive now. He let her up, laughing at the way she was begging. As he wiped his mouth, she wasted no time, whipping out his dick and swallowing it all. Never had she made him feel this good, and he almost choked on his own spit as he suddenly gasped. She was sucking the head, then deepthroating, taking all she could. When it felt like he was at the back of her throat, she arched her neck to allow more in. Tyreke was in another world by now. He could feel her throat muscles massaging his dick. She looked up at him as she took it all, watching him as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling. After coating him with her saliva, she began stroking him while sucking, her mouth and hand in a steady rhythm. With it being 3 months since he last dealt with Lisa, he hadn’t had any good head in a while. And never any like this. He could feel his head getting light, his eyes opening and closing real fast. Brittany was secretly thanking her girlfriend for dragging her to that oral sex class. She now knew how to work her mouth, but she just never had anybody to use it on since Jason’s dick didn’t reach pass her teeth. As she sucked and stroked, she could taste his juices, knowing that he was on the verge of coming. Looking up at him as he clenched his teeth, she grabbed his dick with both hands and worked her magic. Upon feeling this, Tyreke knew that the end was near. Whispering her name, he told her that he was coming. Not missing a beat, Brittany continue to stroke and suck, milking every drop out of him. As he spasmed, she continued sucking, making sure he knew just what it was that he was missing. When she felt that he didn’t have any more to offer, she stopped stroking and kissed the swollen head of her personal trophy. She went to the bathroom to brush her teeth, thinking about how she had never swallowed anybody before, but now that she had, she didn’t think she could do it any other way. As she was cutting the bathroom light off and returning to the bedroom, she noticed that Tyreke was laying on his back, his dick straight up in the air. Seeing this, she walked over slowly, not letting him know where she was until she was right beside the bed. Once there, she through her leg over him and slid down onto his monument, sending shivers thorugh each of their body. She started out slow, trying to get her body used to the enormous object inside of her. As she secreted more juices, she started speeding up, until she was like a cowgirl, riding on a rodeo. Tyreke was enjoying this, loving the way she rode him. By now, she was taking all of his dick inside of her, as he squeezed her ass and sucked on her nipples. This combination of squeezing, sucking, and sexing made her feel like she was being pleased from every angle possible. Getting into a groove that allowed for his dick to hit her spot, she picked up her pace, driving herself to an orgasm. As she reached it, he spanked her ass and gave it to her a lil harder. It seemed as if her cummer was broke. She couldn’t stop the feeling from flowing through her body, or the fluid from sliding down her legs. Her eyes watered as she had never experienced something this good before. When her body had stopped trembling from the multiple orgasm that overtook her, he stopped. She opened her eyes, wondering what was wrong. He then leaned up, telling her to lay on her stomach. She obliged, knowing that this was his favorite position, and how deep he would go in her. As she laid down and braced herself, he slid the head in slowly, teasing her. He kept giving her an inch and then taking it out, causing her to try to buck against him to get the whole thing in her. But he held her in place, showing that he was in control of this. When he put the whole dick in her, she moaned from the pleasure/pain. Going in and out, he watched as her ass jiggled against his thrusts and became mesmerized, as he usally did when she was in this position. Sensing that he was in his rhythm, she tightened her muscles around him, making the sensation appeal to both of them. Tyreke then laid directly on top of her, kissing her neck while he stroked her body, with her throwing it back to him, telling him to take it all, without using any words. As he wrapped his arms around her body, his hands holding on to her breasts, he couldn’t imagine being in a better place. He couldn’t imagine being with a better person. At that moment, he knew that he would get her out of Jason’s grip and back with him. As he came to this conclusion, his body started tingling. She felt his dick stiffen more, letting her know he was close. Her body was sending signals of its own, building up it’s own ammo to be released. They both began to whisper each others’ name, grinding on each other as if they were racing to see who would come first. Suddenly the feeling hit both of them.

“Come with me Tyreke. Please baby, come with me”

“Oh Brittany, here it is”. Tyreke released his load, feeling as if he had been saving that for years. Brittany felt his hot sperm filling her up inside, and matched it with the release of her own supply. Their bodies continued to jerk for a few minutes, each making sure that the other one was finished. Kissing the back of her neck, he picked Brittany up and carried her to the shower, preparing for the next round….

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