Where words have no boundaries.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Here's Another One!
Ok people, here we go again. Another glimpse into my enigmatic mind (lol)! Something that I was thinking about recently comes from an old saying: “if you love something, let it go. If it comes back, it’s yours. If not, then…” I’m sure some of you are familiar with this saying. So if y’all don’t mind, can we be family for a minute? Can I pick your brains for some feedback and opinions? Thanks, I knew I could count on my peoples!! Lol
So I think the 2 main questions I have are (1) how do you know when to let it go, and (2) how do you know if it comes back to you, that it’s the right thing for you? Sometimes we hold on to people, thinking that in doing so, we will ensure the security of their love. Even when something inside of us is telling us to leave, we still hold on. We convince ourselves that letting go is not an option. We adopt the motto “fight for what you love”, so we take our jewelry off, put our timbs on, and get into our fighting stance because we are not letting anything or anyone keep us from what is "ours”. And I can understand that, because you don’t want to be the one who “gave up”. But at what point do you throw in the towel? At what point do you retreat to your corner? At what point do you let fate take its course?? See I used to be that guy who would be quick to throw in the towel, thinking that if things were meant to be, then this person would be back in my life. And if they didn’t, then I was making the best decision for both of us, and we were eliminating wasting each other’s time. Sad, yes I know. It was an immature way of thinking, I will admit that. But what would hurt the most was telling this person who you love, that you no longer “want to be with them”. And although that’s not what you are wanting, in their mind, that is exactly what you just told them. It’s hard to let someone go if that person feels that things can be worked out, because to them, you don’t care or don't love them, which we all know is really just something people say to make the other person feel just as hurt as they are. Because if a person really felt that their mate didn’t love/care about them, they wouldn’t be trying to still be in the relationship with that person. But what if you don’t know what else to do to work things out? What if y’all are having these stumbling blocks, but neither one has come up with a solution of how to fix things? What do you do? When do you “let things go”? And when do you continue to fight??
What do you do if the opportunity to get back with someone you were previously in a relationship with presents itself? Do you take it as a “sign”? I think some people try to make certain “signs” fit so they can convince themselves. They try to put a square block into a hole designed for a circle(yall got kids! I’m sure yall watched them trying to make it fit!) For example, a couple splits up and shortly after, the female accepts a job out of state. So she moves, but her family still stays in the town she left from. So she goes back to visit one day, stops in McDonalds to get some food, and sees her ex-lover working in there. Some people might say that’s a sign, because after all of these years, fate brought her back to him. No, her hunger brought her to McDonalds, and he just HAPPENED to be working there. That’s not a sign. I remember watching the autobiography of The Neelys, the black couple from the Food Network who always cook something with bbq sauce. Yeah, I watch the food channel! So what, don’t judge me! Lol..But anyway, they used to be a couple in high school. They split up and went in two different directions in life. They ended up both moving back to their hometown and ran into each other. Soon after, they started dating again and got married. That’s more like fate to me. I recall one time being in a situation years back where, after a year and a half of being apart, a young lady and me got back together. After 2 months, I realized that it wasn’t what I thought it was going to be. But initially, I thought that us getting back together was due to a higher cause. It took that second time around for me to realize that it wasn’t exactly what was destined for me. This is kind of a side note, but it just hit me while I was writing this, and it’s something more personal to me. Let’s say for example, a person got back with a previous lover and things didn’t work out, as I aforementioned. Now let’s say this person felt the same way about another previous lover? What if they thought that this person could be the one for them, but they’re not sure? How do they go about disclosing those feelings? Or better yet, do they pursue those feelings? I know some people will say yes you do, but is this a time where you should “let it go”? Everybody can’t handle being in a relationship with someone they were with previously. Maybe they are an ex for a reason. So do you take on that mentality, or do you fight for it, until it’s 100% for certain that there is no possible hope? Especially if you and that person have each been in a situation like that before separately, and things didn’t work out. Do you take the experience as a lesson, and just move on? I know I may have asked a lot of questions, but I just wanted to get some insight on some things.
The Struggles of an Author
Ok, so my initial thoughts when I started writing my Ero-Lit was to write a full book. At least those were the thoughts given to me by others. But as I started working on a story, I soon realized that 1)my dedication to one story wasn't strong, and 2) it was hard! lol. I would start a story, then start on another story. So I think what I will do is just write short stories, and then put them all in one book together. I just have to find some motivation from somewhere. All of the stories, blogs, and poems that I have right now, I did while working at my last job. That's right, I only wrote when I was at work, and that was to pass the time. It also usually consisted of an energy drink, which got my mind rolling! lol(yeah yeah, I know they are bad for me, but they get my creative juices flowing). Hopefully I can find my mojo again and get back to the one thing I can truly say I enjoy doing.
Dreams Cum True
With the rain pounding against the window, Tiffany tossed and turned in her bed. Alone for another night, she thought to herself. The pulsation of her clit was in sync with the beating of the hard rain, as if it was dancing to the rhythm. And the wetness outside was no comparison to ocean that now drenched her shorts.
“Dammit” she muttered, pulling the pillow from between her legs and tossing it at the window. Hitting her curtains, they fell to the ground. “Grrrrrrr” she uttered. “Nothing is going right tonight”. Turning her back to the window, she faced the other wall only to see the streetlight teaming with the trees to produce shadows in her room. Her imagination getting the best of her, she thought she could make out a sexual orgy. It looked as if people were fucking and sucking, licking and sticking, poking and stroking everywhere. She slowly began to rub her hand across her body, her mind now turning the shadows into people. Sliding her hand between her legs, even she was amazed at the amount of fluid she was releasing. Stroking her clit, she imagined one of the men sliding inside of her, his dick filling every inch of her pussy. As she imagined him stroking faster, she rubbed faster. Finally a stream of cum shot out of her. Her body was trembling, having never experienced anything like that before. The months of having no sex life was evident in her orgasm.
“Wow. Damn. I can’t believe how real that felt” she said out loud, the images on the wall now turning back into shadows of tree limbs bending over in the wind. “I still need to get me some dick soon, although whoever the lucky guy is may need to bring his scuba gear if I’m feeling anything like I was tonight.” Reaching into her nightstand, she retrieved her pack of wet wipes that she kept near for what was becoming her nightly routine of self love. Cleaning herself and replacing the package, she turned over and fell asleep, the orgy now replaying itself in her dreams.
Tiffany was lying on her stomach, unable to get up or turn over. Her arms and legs seemed to be in some type of restraints. Everything was pitch black, but she could hear someone talking a short distance away.
“Excuse me, can you help me” she cried out, unsure of what was going on. Her fears started to rise as she realized that no one heard her. Or if they did, they didn’t pay any attention to her. “Please, someone help me” she repeated, struggling to free herself of her holds. “I said help dammit” she yelled. Everything stopped abruptly. The people stopped talking, and the only sound she could hear was her heart thumping in her chest. Unsure of what was going on, she strained her eyes to try to make out anything or anybody in the darkness. Suddenly lights came on, the brightness temporarily blinding her. As she tried to gain control of her vision, she felt strong hands on her back.
“Help, get off of me” she cried, now wishing that she hadn’t made any commotion a few minutes earlier. Another set of strong hands were holding her legs. The touch from the two pair of hands were sending electric shots through her body. Tiffany was trying to comprehend why she was becoming turned on at this moment. Although her body was becoming a willing slave, she refused to let these feelings show to her attackers. What kind of freak would they think she was if they saw that their victim was actually enjoying what was happening.
“Please, can you let me go? I don’t have any money, and I haven’t seen your faces so theres nothing I can tell” she pleaded. The hands suddenly stopped touching her, and she wondered if they were considering her idea. But as quickly as the hands stopped, they were just as quick with touching her again. This time more forcefully. And for some reason, Tiffany’s mind and her body were not on the same page. She could feel her thong getting drenched from the cum flowing out of her pussy. “If I had gotten some dick before now, I wouldn’t be having this problem” she said to herself, hoping to turn her faucet off before they sensed what her body was doing. As if on cue, the hands by her legs started lifting her skirt up above her ass. Trying to fight him off, she was relieved when she noticed he had stopped. At this moment, Tiffany was thankful for her phat ass and for her hips because they made it hard for her attacker to take off her tight skirt. Suddenly she felt the strong hands grip the skirt and rip it off. She was shocked by the strength he had, to easily rip the fabric like that. Her ass was still jiggling from the manhandling she just experienced. And as if it had a mind of its own, her pussy started releasing more fluids. Now the hands were on her ass. Rubbing, squeezing, caressing, massaging. As the hand reached her thigh, she felt a finger slide along her pussy lips from the other side of the fabric of her panties.
“Damn” she whispered, the word coming out before she could even think about what was going on. “Please don’t do this” Tiffany whimpered, but her voice lost all strength as her hormones took over her body. Just as easy as the skirt was ripped from her, the strong hands ripped the thong as if it was yarn. Then things got still. Somehow her head could only look forward. She could see nothing behind her or to either side.
“Hello” she called out, silently hoping for the hands to return. What happened next put her on the verge of blacking out. The hands on her lower half was replaced by a face, a face planting itself up against her ass. A face with a long, thick tongue coming out of it, parting her pussy lips and exploring her walls. Tiffany grinded back on this face, riding the wave of ecstasy that was bouncing around in her body. The tongue exited her pussy, leaving her yearning for more. Now the tongue was circling her asshole, the nerves around it going haywire. A finger slid inside of her pussy, circling her g-spot the same way the tongue was circling her ass. Now the tongue was running across her asshole, and Tiffany felt a tear fall down her face. This feeling was something that she had never experienced before. None of her lovers had ever made her feel this way. None of her toys could compare. The tongue slid inside her ass, taking this feeling to an even higher level. The tongue in her ass, a finger rubbing her g-spot, and a finger stroking her clit. Tiffany climbed up on her knees, trying to receive everything that was being given to her. She didn’t know what she did to deserve this, but she wasn’t complaining. The simultaneous stimulation temporarily hypnotized her, sending her into a trance until she felt a wave wash over her body. Like a geyser being full of pressure, her pussy shot out so much cum that she was worried about drowning the face. But the tongue and fingers never stopped moving, never fell out of rhythm. No sound escaped Tiffany’s lips as her body came with a vengeance, as if it was mad she made it wait that long for this feeling.
“Oh…..my….god” she managed to finally let out. Small trembles shook her body, like the aftershocks of a big earthquake. The face and the hands suddenly stopped. Not sure what was going on, but anxious to see, she stayed in the same position. What she felt next can only be described as pure bliss. The dick entered her, stretching her, but yet no pain came. Tiffany was sure that this was the biggest dick she ever had, but the only feeling it gave her was strictly pleasure. This has to be the magic stick, she thought to herself. Smiling, she began to throw it back, feeling as if the dick was inside her stomach. She was so engulfed in the face, hands, tongue, and now dick, that she forgot about her second attacker. As if on cue he appeared, standing to the right of her, his dick in his hand. As he stroked himself right beside her head, she felt his hands on her arm, guiding her hand to his dick. How am I supposed to get it when I’m tied up, she was thinking, before realizing that somewhere along the way the restraints had disappeared. No longer bothered with trying to escape, she sat up and took the dick into her hands. Two big dicks at her disposal, Tiffany was ready to show her appreciation. With the dick inside of her stroking her walls, she took the dick in her hands and sucked on the head, the precum tasting like a strawberry milkshake. She laughed to herself at how horny she must be to think that. But as she went deeper, she realized that it really did taste like a milkshake. You would have thought she was SuperHead the way she was going now. And each time she sucked, a drop of milkshake hit her tongue. Now she was anxious to see what his nut would be like. The dick inside of her begin to speed up, the thrusts becoming harder and harder. The dick in her mouth was now fucking her face, going just as fast and hard. But regardless of what they did, she could feel no pain. Everything now was in slow motion. Tiffany felt as if she was floating on a cloud. She could feel the dick in her pussy starting to swell, indicating it was about to release its load. She felt the dick in her mouth swell, and braced herself for what was to come, pun intended. As the dick in her mouth nutted, she drank it up. The milkshake was in full effect and she didn’t want to miss one drop. The dick in her pussy grew some more, causing her pussy to spit out its own dosage of cum just as the dick inside was pushing its cum inside of her. Tiffany’s head was spinning. She now felt drained, and what just happened had her in a daze. The dicks pulled out of her and started to turn around to leave. She tried to call out to them, but no sound escaped her lips. She never got to see their faces, just their muscular backs as they walked away, and the tattoo that one of them had on his back that sad “Live Fast, Die Slow” in cursive letters. Collapsing on the bed, the lights went out, putting her back in darkness.
The next morning Tiffany woke up, still having the dream on her mind. She hopped out of bed happily, feeling as if last night was real.
“At least I got some good dick in my dream” she said to herself. “And that’s better than no dick at all!”
Walking to the bathroom she felt a lil soreness in her pussy and wondered if her self love and her pussy squirting had anything to do with it since that was the first time Tiffany had ever squirted. She would ask her roommate about it later. As she sat on the toilet she felt something sliding out of her. Looking down, she saw a white, milky like substance. Another wet dream she thought to herself. Well at least this one was great. She then got up to wash her face and saw whiteness around her lips.
“Damn I was slobbering again last night. I know I will have to wash my pillows, especially with the amount that is on my face. I probably had my mouth wide open. Glad I didn’t have a man here to see that” she laughed.
Getting herself together and putting on some shorts and tank top she walked out of her room, calling out her roommate’s name, knowing that she would be woke because she worked third shift last night.
“I’m in here Tiff”, her roommate Nikki said.
Walking into the kitchen, Tiffany froze. Staring at her was the back of a well built guy, his shirt was draped across one side of his shoulder onto his back. On the other side was a tattoo that said “Live Fast, Die Slow”. Not sure what to make of this, she tried to remember everything about the dream.
“Tiff, you remember my lil’ brother Jay. And this is his friend Rico. They were supposed to get in town today, but decided to leave early and surprise me. They didn’t know I had to work last night though so I gave them the key to get in. Hope you didn’t mind, and I hope they weren’t in here acting a fool” Nikki was saying.
But Tiffany was still dazed about everything that was going on. Jay turned around and smiled at her, his face just as handsome as Nikki’s was pretty.
“How are you doing Tip. Still looking good, I see” Jay flirted, causing Nikki to give him a playful push. “I told you about trying to get with my friend Jay. She’ll have your ass fiending” Nikki teased him.
“Is that so” Jay said, holding out his hand to shake Tiffany’s. When she accepted it, she got the same feeling she got in her dream from the guy who was behind her.
“Hello” Tiffany managed to say, her voice trembling and her hands shaking. She was gazing at his lips, wondering if they were the source of much of her pleasures last night.
“Heyyy Tip” Rico said from in the living room, where he was enjoying a bowl of cereal and watching SportsCenter. “I hope we didn’t bother you last night when we came in”
The smile that flashed across his boyish face seemed to say more, but she wasn’t sure. He wasn’t as handsome as Rico, but he wasn’t a mudduck either. Could this all have been a dream, or did they really have sex last night. She had only seen Jay a couple of times before now, and never with his shirt off, so how could she guess he had that tattoo. What about the feeling he gave her in the dream and just now? Something was going on, and whatever it was, Tiffany was determined to feel it again.
“Dammit” she muttered, pulling the pillow from between her legs and tossing it at the window. Hitting her curtains, they fell to the ground. “Grrrrrrr” she uttered. “Nothing is going right tonight”. Turning her back to the window, she faced the other wall only to see the streetlight teaming with the trees to produce shadows in her room. Her imagination getting the best of her, she thought she could make out a sexual orgy. It looked as if people were fucking and sucking, licking and sticking, poking and stroking everywhere. She slowly began to rub her hand across her body, her mind now turning the shadows into people. Sliding her hand between her legs, even she was amazed at the amount of fluid she was releasing. Stroking her clit, she imagined one of the men sliding inside of her, his dick filling every inch of her pussy. As she imagined him stroking faster, she rubbed faster. Finally a stream of cum shot out of her. Her body was trembling, having never experienced anything like that before. The months of having no sex life was evident in her orgasm.
“Wow. Damn. I can’t believe how real that felt” she said out loud, the images on the wall now turning back into shadows of tree limbs bending over in the wind. “I still need to get me some dick soon, although whoever the lucky guy is may need to bring his scuba gear if I’m feeling anything like I was tonight.” Reaching into her nightstand, she retrieved her pack of wet wipes that she kept near for what was becoming her nightly routine of self love. Cleaning herself and replacing the package, she turned over and fell asleep, the orgy now replaying itself in her dreams.
Tiffany was lying on her stomach, unable to get up or turn over. Her arms and legs seemed to be in some type of restraints. Everything was pitch black, but she could hear someone talking a short distance away.
“Excuse me, can you help me” she cried out, unsure of what was going on. Her fears started to rise as she realized that no one heard her. Or if they did, they didn’t pay any attention to her. “Please, someone help me” she repeated, struggling to free herself of her holds. “I said help dammit” she yelled. Everything stopped abruptly. The people stopped talking, and the only sound she could hear was her heart thumping in her chest. Unsure of what was going on, she strained her eyes to try to make out anything or anybody in the darkness. Suddenly lights came on, the brightness temporarily blinding her. As she tried to gain control of her vision, she felt strong hands on her back.
“Help, get off of me” she cried, now wishing that she hadn’t made any commotion a few minutes earlier. Another set of strong hands were holding her legs. The touch from the two pair of hands were sending electric shots through her body. Tiffany was trying to comprehend why she was becoming turned on at this moment. Although her body was becoming a willing slave, she refused to let these feelings show to her attackers. What kind of freak would they think she was if they saw that their victim was actually enjoying what was happening.
“Please, can you let me go? I don’t have any money, and I haven’t seen your faces so theres nothing I can tell” she pleaded. The hands suddenly stopped touching her, and she wondered if they were considering her idea. But as quickly as the hands stopped, they were just as quick with touching her again. This time more forcefully. And for some reason, Tiffany’s mind and her body were not on the same page. She could feel her thong getting drenched from the cum flowing out of her pussy. “If I had gotten some dick before now, I wouldn’t be having this problem” she said to herself, hoping to turn her faucet off before they sensed what her body was doing. As if on cue, the hands by her legs started lifting her skirt up above her ass. Trying to fight him off, she was relieved when she noticed he had stopped. At this moment, Tiffany was thankful for her phat ass and for her hips because they made it hard for her attacker to take off her tight skirt. Suddenly she felt the strong hands grip the skirt and rip it off. She was shocked by the strength he had, to easily rip the fabric like that. Her ass was still jiggling from the manhandling she just experienced. And as if it had a mind of its own, her pussy started releasing more fluids. Now the hands were on her ass. Rubbing, squeezing, caressing, massaging. As the hand reached her thigh, she felt a finger slide along her pussy lips from the other side of the fabric of her panties.
“Damn” she whispered, the word coming out before she could even think about what was going on. “Please don’t do this” Tiffany whimpered, but her voice lost all strength as her hormones took over her body. Just as easy as the skirt was ripped from her, the strong hands ripped the thong as if it was yarn. Then things got still. Somehow her head could only look forward. She could see nothing behind her or to either side.
“Hello” she called out, silently hoping for the hands to return. What happened next put her on the verge of blacking out. The hands on her lower half was replaced by a face, a face planting itself up against her ass. A face with a long, thick tongue coming out of it, parting her pussy lips and exploring her walls. Tiffany grinded back on this face, riding the wave of ecstasy that was bouncing around in her body. The tongue exited her pussy, leaving her yearning for more. Now the tongue was circling her asshole, the nerves around it going haywire. A finger slid inside of her pussy, circling her g-spot the same way the tongue was circling her ass. Now the tongue was running across her asshole, and Tiffany felt a tear fall down her face. This feeling was something that she had never experienced before. None of her lovers had ever made her feel this way. None of her toys could compare. The tongue slid inside her ass, taking this feeling to an even higher level. The tongue in her ass, a finger rubbing her g-spot, and a finger stroking her clit. Tiffany climbed up on her knees, trying to receive everything that was being given to her. She didn’t know what she did to deserve this, but she wasn’t complaining. The simultaneous stimulation temporarily hypnotized her, sending her into a trance until she felt a wave wash over her body. Like a geyser being full of pressure, her pussy shot out so much cum that she was worried about drowning the face. But the tongue and fingers never stopped moving, never fell out of rhythm. No sound escaped Tiffany’s lips as her body came with a vengeance, as if it was mad she made it wait that long for this feeling.
“Oh…..my….god” she managed to finally let out. Small trembles shook her body, like the aftershocks of a big earthquake. The face and the hands suddenly stopped. Not sure what was going on, but anxious to see, she stayed in the same position. What she felt next can only be described as pure bliss. The dick entered her, stretching her, but yet no pain came. Tiffany was sure that this was the biggest dick she ever had, but the only feeling it gave her was strictly pleasure. This has to be the magic stick, she thought to herself. Smiling, she began to throw it back, feeling as if the dick was inside her stomach. She was so engulfed in the face, hands, tongue, and now dick, that she forgot about her second attacker. As if on cue he appeared, standing to the right of her, his dick in his hand. As he stroked himself right beside her head, she felt his hands on her arm, guiding her hand to his dick. How am I supposed to get it when I’m tied up, she was thinking, before realizing that somewhere along the way the restraints had disappeared. No longer bothered with trying to escape, she sat up and took the dick into her hands. Two big dicks at her disposal, Tiffany was ready to show her appreciation. With the dick inside of her stroking her walls, she took the dick in her hands and sucked on the head, the precum tasting like a strawberry milkshake. She laughed to herself at how horny she must be to think that. But as she went deeper, she realized that it really did taste like a milkshake. You would have thought she was SuperHead the way she was going now. And each time she sucked, a drop of milkshake hit her tongue. Now she was anxious to see what his nut would be like. The dick inside of her begin to speed up, the thrusts becoming harder and harder. The dick in her mouth was now fucking her face, going just as fast and hard. But regardless of what they did, she could feel no pain. Everything now was in slow motion. Tiffany felt as if she was floating on a cloud. She could feel the dick in her pussy starting to swell, indicating it was about to release its load. She felt the dick in her mouth swell, and braced herself for what was to come, pun intended. As the dick in her mouth nutted, she drank it up. The milkshake was in full effect and she didn’t want to miss one drop. The dick in her pussy grew some more, causing her pussy to spit out its own dosage of cum just as the dick inside was pushing its cum inside of her. Tiffany’s head was spinning. She now felt drained, and what just happened had her in a daze. The dicks pulled out of her and started to turn around to leave. She tried to call out to them, but no sound escaped her lips. She never got to see their faces, just their muscular backs as they walked away, and the tattoo that one of them had on his back that sad “Live Fast, Die Slow” in cursive letters. Collapsing on the bed, the lights went out, putting her back in darkness.
The next morning Tiffany woke up, still having the dream on her mind. She hopped out of bed happily, feeling as if last night was real.
“At least I got some good dick in my dream” she said to herself. “And that’s better than no dick at all!”
Walking to the bathroom she felt a lil soreness in her pussy and wondered if her self love and her pussy squirting had anything to do with it since that was the first time Tiffany had ever squirted. She would ask her roommate about it later. As she sat on the toilet she felt something sliding out of her. Looking down, she saw a white, milky like substance. Another wet dream she thought to herself. Well at least this one was great. She then got up to wash her face and saw whiteness around her lips.
“Damn I was slobbering again last night. I know I will have to wash my pillows, especially with the amount that is on my face. I probably had my mouth wide open. Glad I didn’t have a man here to see that” she laughed.
Getting herself together and putting on some shorts and tank top she walked out of her room, calling out her roommate’s name, knowing that she would be woke because she worked third shift last night.
“I’m in here Tiff”, her roommate Nikki said.
Walking into the kitchen, Tiffany froze. Staring at her was the back of a well built guy, his shirt was draped across one side of his shoulder onto his back. On the other side was a tattoo that said “Live Fast, Die Slow”. Not sure what to make of this, she tried to remember everything about the dream.
“Tiff, you remember my lil’ brother Jay. And this is his friend Rico. They were supposed to get in town today, but decided to leave early and surprise me. They didn’t know I had to work last night though so I gave them the key to get in. Hope you didn’t mind, and I hope they weren’t in here acting a fool” Nikki was saying.
But Tiffany was still dazed about everything that was going on. Jay turned around and smiled at her, his face just as handsome as Nikki’s was pretty.
“How are you doing Tip. Still looking good, I see” Jay flirted, causing Nikki to give him a playful push. “I told you about trying to get with my friend Jay. She’ll have your ass fiending” Nikki teased him.
“Is that so” Jay said, holding out his hand to shake Tiffany’s. When she accepted it, she got the same feeling she got in her dream from the guy who was behind her.
“Hello” Tiffany managed to say, her voice trembling and her hands shaking. She was gazing at his lips, wondering if they were the source of much of her pleasures last night.
“Heyyy Tip” Rico said from in the living room, where he was enjoying a bowl of cereal and watching SportsCenter. “I hope we didn’t bother you last night when we came in”
The smile that flashed across his boyish face seemed to say more, but she wasn’t sure. He wasn’t as handsome as Rico, but he wasn’t a mudduck either. Could this all have been a dream, or did they really have sex last night. She had only seen Jay a couple of times before now, and never with his shirt off, so how could she guess he had that tattoo. What about the feeling he gave her in the dream and just now? Something was going on, and whatever it was, Tiffany was determined to feel it again.
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