Where words have no boundaries.

Where words have no boundaries.

Friday, August 24, 2012


I was at work the other day, not working, when I decided to write something. Enjoy.

I take a look into her eyes. And I feel trapped. The more I try to shake the feeling, the deeper I become entangled in her web. As an unsuspecting fly, knowing he's gotten too close but it's too late to flee. Yet knowing that this impending pain would be the best pleasure he has ever experienced. She does things to me that's borderline scary. Why? Because to lose all control of myself when she's around isn't healthy, it just isn't right. And no matter how helpless I feel, I don't think I would change one thing about it. Nope. I would ride to hell and slap the shit out of the devil if he so much as brought one bad day her way. If I died I would go to the pearly gates and right before they fitted me with my wings I would ask God to send me back because, quite frankly, she's my heaven. They say that angels exist among us, but we can't spot them. However, she has given away her true identity. She allowed God to send her here a little too perfect and then thought I wouldn't be able to see through the trick they were trying to sell to me. But by no means am I complaining. Instead I am thanking God that He has deemed lil ol' me worthy of one of His angels' companionship.

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