Okay so I have decided to share a few short posts that I have wrote. As I have stated before, I tend to do some erotic writings so if that's not your cup of tea then please don't judge. With that being said, enjoy.
Walking into the house, all the lights are off and I hear the faint sound of Luther's voice wafting through the air. "If This World Was Mine" tickles my ears as the candlelight burning on the table guides my path. As I ascend the steps another candle is burning at the top, as if reminding me that she is my Agaliha. As I enter her queendom my heart skips a beat and my erection skips a few inches. Before me is the most beautiful creation known to man and I'm sure rivals most of the creations in heaven. She's laying on the bed, leaning back on her elbows, right leg bent slightly at the knee. Her 5 inch heels attached to sexy feet. The baby oil glistens in the candlelight beside the bed, her legs mirroring the track stars on tv. Her hair is in two braids, looking like a modern day Pocahontas. The red lace bra she has on is mesmerizing. But the crotchless thong she has on is the final straw for me. I spread her legs apart, not wanting to wait any longer for the meal that has been prepared before me. Starting at the entrance of her pussy, I stick my tongue out as far as it can go, searching for that spot that I have been yearning to touch, that spot that has been calling my name since I first laid eyes on her several years ago. And it's as sweet as I could have ever imagined. She grabs my head, forcing my face in deeper and I know that I have touched her where her body loves. Her kitty purrs for me, and her juices quench my thirst for her. Sliding my tongue out, I attack her clit with a vengeance, licking, sucking, nibbling on it. Caught in the moment I lift her butt in the air so I can now feast exactly how I want. Her soft ass in my hands has me poking a hole in her bed with my hard dick. I suddenly zone out and everything moves in slow motion, her moans sounding like the most harmonious songbird. Her pussy tasting like a death row inmates last meal. I savor every drop as if its my MY last meal. I am brought back to reality when she screams out my name and tells me those three words that I always long to hear: I am cumming!!!
Where words have no boundaries.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013
My World
I lay awake beside you, admiring your ass in this thong as I listen to you snore. My body temporarily short circuits, slightly overheating from the visual I now have. Mere words can't describe what I feel, to cure me no doctor can prescribe a pill. No firefighter can put these flames out. So I say burn, let that motherfucker burn. I yearn for you. Something deep within me is being pulled as if your heart is my opposite polar attraction. It's funny how things all come together. One day you're trying to "fuck every girl in the world" and the next you're screaming "fuck every other girl in the world". I just want my baby. She doesn't believe me, so unabashedly I state that I will scream how i feel to the world. "Go ahead" she says. So I whisper in her ear "my love for you is deeper than the ocean, higher than the mountains, hotter than the volcanos, and stronger than the glaciers". She looks at me, tears of pain running down her cheeks. As she gathers her things and start to walk away, she turns around to face me, a look of confusion on my face. "You can say all of these sweet things to me, but what happened to you saying them to the world, as you proclaimed you would, instead of whispering them to me?" With love in my heart and truth in my eyes, I responded "I did exactly what I said I was going to do. I told my world exactly how I feel......."
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Rambles, Mind in shambles
Am I different? Am I weird? Crazy but these are questions I tend to ask myself from time to time. Why don't I function like others? Why does my mind always move, always analyzing things to the minuscule of details. Sometimes that works to my advantage and I love that. But then there are those moments when my mind needs 20mg of Ritalin. These are the times when my mind's speed in which it runs would put to shame any world class athlete. I wish I could help it. Wish I could calm it. I am debating on trying to pick a time out of my day to meditate, allow me to control my mind's focus. My mind is my best friend and my worst enemy. One moment I can be composing a uniquely written piece for my blog, the next I am lost in a trance, causing my sunshine to become eclipsed. I have to get it together before I lose it....
Looking For Love
Have you ever seen an elderly couple and they look like they are just as much in love now as when they were youth? Have you ever seen this and wondered to yourself "where is that love at, and why haven't I experienced it yet?" Nowadays finding love that will stand the test of time seems to be eons away. I look at my parents and I am amazed by their strength, their consistency, and more importantly, their love for each other. They have shown me time and time again that love is not just a word, that marriage is a commitment, and that with God all things are possible.
Many times we want that feeling so bad that at the slightest tingle, we are quick to label that person "the one". Never mind that the tingle you felt inside could have been God pinging you, saying "RUN!". Nah, we do what we can to make sure everything goes right with this person. And the more it seems like it's not going to work, we throw another batch of coal onto the fire, hoping to spark something else in the relationship. But sometimes you have to step back and observe the situation from a third-person point of view. Maybe the reason that there is no fire is because the oxygen is gone. Meaning, the life is sucked out of the relationship and you need to move on. It's dead. Maybe it wasn't meant to be in the first place and no matter how much coal you throw on that fire, it's not going to turn into an inferno. It's dead. Or maybe, just maybe, you being with that person was for a reason, and now it's time to take what you learned and move on. The flame provided heat through the winter season, but now it's time to continue on your destiny. IT'S DEAD! Sometimes we don't see it as such though and keep delaying what is in store for us until we are so fed up with failed relationships that shouldn't have been in the first place, that we have now grown cold to someone's feelings and miss out on the blessing that is right before us. It may be genuinely our time to love, but we so focused on what didn't happen with the past that we not even focused on our future.
Love should never be something that is forced. Love should never be something you are looking for or seeking. Love should never even be something that you are waiting on. When it's time for love, your love, to show itself, it will. If you prepare yourself for it mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, then you have nothing to worry about. You too will be able to show a young person what it's like to be an elderly couple and still in love with the one that was meant for you.
Many times we want that feeling so bad that at the slightest tingle, we are quick to label that person "the one". Never mind that the tingle you felt inside could have been God pinging you, saying "RUN!". Nah, we do what we can to make sure everything goes right with this person. And the more it seems like it's not going to work, we throw another batch of coal onto the fire, hoping to spark something else in the relationship. But sometimes you have to step back and observe the situation from a third-person point of view. Maybe the reason that there is no fire is because the oxygen is gone. Meaning, the life is sucked out of the relationship and you need to move on. It's dead. Maybe it wasn't meant to be in the first place and no matter how much coal you throw on that fire, it's not going to turn into an inferno. It's dead. Or maybe, just maybe, you being with that person was for a reason, and now it's time to take what you learned and move on. The flame provided heat through the winter season, but now it's time to continue on your destiny. IT'S DEAD! Sometimes we don't see it as such though and keep delaying what is in store for us until we are so fed up with failed relationships that shouldn't have been in the first place, that we have now grown cold to someone's feelings and miss out on the blessing that is right before us. It may be genuinely our time to love, but we so focused on what didn't happen with the past that we not even focused on our future.
Love should never be something that is forced. Love should never be something you are looking for or seeking. Love should never even be something that you are waiting on. When it's time for love, your love, to show itself, it will. If you prepare yourself for it mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, then you have nothing to worry about. You too will be able to show a young person what it's like to be an elderly couple and still in love with the one that was meant for you.
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Okay so it's been a little while since I have written a story. This is my passion, yet I can't find the motivation to produce the words needed to complete something that I am proud of. Needless to say, I still said eff it and did what I could. Hope y'all enjoy.
Staring at the ceiling. Another night. Same dream. I can't seem to get her out of my head, no matter how much I try. Hell, who I am fooling. I haven't tried to get her out. Matter-of-fact, I welcome her in. Invite her. Something about the way she walks, the way she rocks her locs. Her smile, her look. Damn she got me blown. Let me get out of this bed because daydreaming on something I can't have is pointless.
"Beep beep"
*checks text*
Just when I tried to get my mind focused on something else, she texts me. It's a simple "hey, how are you", but it does more than she intended. I hit her back and hop in the shower, getting my day started because it's going to be a long one. Water running all over my body, caressing me, kissing my skin with wet lips. As I lean my head back, I feel her lips on my neck. Her hands on my chest, her nipples against my back. Her hand slowly goes lower, my blood racing south along with it. They reach their destination at the same time, both running the length of my manhood. She slowly strokes me, her red skin against my chocolate temple. The feeling is astounding, one of utter bliss. I think to myself, "damn this feels....cold?" The once steaming water has now grown cold, my thoughts causing me to lose track of time. Hell, a cold shower is probably what I need right about now anyways. I finish my shower and dry off, my homie still standing at attention as if to say "you thought that was going to calm me down". Dismissing him, I get dressed and head out. First stop: the mall. Tonight there's a party uptown for one of my friends so I'm trying to find just a little something to wear. After about an hour and a half, I find an outfit. Next stop is the barbershop. I want to get a haircut but instead I opt for a shape-up, trying to get my hair to grow out in hopes that I can get her to play in it one day. I figure since I'm out, I should go ahead and wash my car since it's already feeling nice outside.
"Beep beep"
She texts me again, telling me that she doesn't know if she's going to make it out tonight because she's upset at something. I don't pry into her life, knowing that she knows I always have a shoulder for her. So instead I inform her that maybe getting out for a few would help alleviate the stress. She texts back that she might and she will let me know a little later. I text back ok, although in my mind I'm hoping that she will make it out. True it's slightly selfish of me, but I need her there because she helps alleviate my stress. Her presence keeps my spirits on high.
I contact one of my co-workers who has inside connects at hotels and I end up getting a room uptown. I figure that tonight may be a little crazy and I don't want to run the risk of drinking and driving because the police have been cracking down on it. Plus the room was cheap. I head back to the spot to gather up everything that I will need and shoot to the room. On my way I get a bottle of Rose' and a bottle of Patron. Once inside I fix me a drink and relax. The Chicago Bulls are playing the Miami Heat and my homie Derrick Rose is back. The Bulls are putting a clinic on the Heat, just how I like it. After three shots of Patron, the running around of today has started to take a toll on me. I still have five hours left before I need to get ready so I take a nap.
She walks into the room, her sexy legs showcased because of the dress she has on. They guide her to the side of the bed and I am enamored by the perfection that is beside me. She touches the side of my face, my head instinctively leaning in to accept her touch. My hand reaches for her leg, the softness and smoothness slightly catching me off guard. But then again, what else should I have expected from this angel. She stands up, slowly unzipping the back of her dress. She turns around, preparing to let the material drop to the floor. It's hard to describe how mesmerized I am. The dress falls past her shoulder, down her back, to her waist. I sit up a little, anticipating the next view that will be before me....
*Beep beep beep beep beep*
My alarm goes off. I roll over and shut it off, a feeling of disappoint slowly settling in. Damn it happened again. I have a few missed texts and a couple of missed calls. I respond back to everyone, seeing her text saying that she decided to go out and I better be there. Time to get up and get ready. I iron my clothes, take another shower, and fix me one more drink before heading out.
The party is banging. Everyone is having a good time, no cares in the world. She showed up looking like the epitome of perfection. We laugh, we joke, both of us needing each other to take our minds off of life's obstacles. The night is winding down and a lot of the party-goers are headed out. The DJ has commenced to play slow jams, the cue that the party was coming to an end. AS he states that this is the last lone, he plays "Bad" by Wale ft. Tiara. The beat drops, sounds of desire oozing out of the speakers. As if the melody was her puppet master, her body begins to sway and swerve, the dance of seduction being displayed prominently. She steps in front of me, her backside in tune with my front. As if two cobras doing a deadly dance, our bodies intertwine, oblivious to the outside world. The song ends along with our mating ritual. The heat between us is enough to fry eggs. Finally we walk out with the rest of the stragglers. We say our goodbyes and I start walking to my hotel. Seeing that I was on foot, she calls out to me to see if I needed a ride. I accept, if for nothing else than to spend just another moment with her. She asks me to drive since I know where the hotel is at. I oblige, both of us feeling the effects of the alcohol. I park at the hotel and asks if she is okay to drive home. She states that she was supposed to stay with her homegirl tonight but her homegirl is not answering the phone so can she chill for a few while she continue to call. We head upstairs, laughing at the different highlights of the night. Upon entering the room I make myself comfortable as she calls her friend again. This time the phone has gone directly to voicemail. Knowing that her homegirl has probably fallen asleep she puts the phone down and makes herself comfortable as well. We talk a little about the things going on with us. I get up to fix me a drink now that I don't have to be out in public anymore. She asks for one as well. I reach for the Rose' but she asks for a shot of Patron as well. We take our drinks and down them, the liquid going down as if we were drinking water, a sign of one too many drinks being consumed. After watching the highlights on ESPN and seeing that my Bulls defeated the Heat, I wash up and put on my nightwear. She asks me for a t-shirt to put on. I had purchased two tees at the mall earlier, but the longer one I currently had on. I offered up the second one, which was smaller on me but ran mid-thigh to her. As she came out of the bathroom from washing up and changing, I couldn't help but briefly stare. She makes anything look good. She enters the bed on the other side of the bed, the king size bed putting a lot of space between us. I flip through the channels looking for something on tv. As usual, nothing good is on until I reach HBO. "Love Jones" has been on about 20 minutes, the scene where Larenz Tate is performing his "Brother to the Night(A Blues for Nina)" poem. This scene is always powerful to me, and judging by how intrigued she is, she feels the same way. Somehow, we have both made our way to the middle of the bed. She stretches out her leg a little, slightly brushing against my leg. Although the touch is minimal, the electricity flowing through is enough to power a city block. We watch a few more minutes of the movie before she turns her back to me, calling it a night. Cutting off the tv and putting on my nightly playlist to help me sleep, I follow suit, the last shot we took finally taking it's toll on me. As if second nature I turn to face her. Instinctively she slides back into me, causing my arm to reach around her and hold her. On cue, the previous song goes off and "Bad" by Wale comes on. As the first few rifts begin, she starts slowly grinding her body on mine. The feeling is causing my vessel to stretch. She feels it and continues moving on him. I start to grind back, my hands caressing every inch of her body. I massage her back and she starts to moan. Turning her onto her stomach, I sit atop of her. I continue my massaging of her back. As I do, the bottom of the t-shirt keeps riding up, her pretty red cheeks peeking out. More massaging causes more of the shirt to inch up until her pretty, nude ass is completely exposed, the absence of underwear making that possible. I slide my hands under her shirt to touch her back and slowly work my way down. As I massage her ass, she moans deeper and raises her hips to meet my hands. I lean forward and place kisses on her back, my hands having been replaced with my mouth. Wet kisses all over, enjoying the feel of her skin. I find my way to her round mound of brown, parting her legs while I continue kissing. Stretching my tongue out as far as it can go when I reach the space between her legs, I taste the sweetest treat ever made. She throws her body back onto my face, my tongue diving deep into her warmth, the tip tickling her g-spot. She raises up higher to give me access into her cave. I flip her over to wrap my lips around her clit. Flicking my tongue across it steadily, firmly. She places on hand on my head and pushes me in deeper, and I eagerly obey. Her right leg starts to shake, her moans start to become inaudible. She grabs my head and squeezes it as her body rids her of a beautiful orgasm. Her body is still trembling as I climb on top of her to suck her perfect nipples. She wraps one hand around my head, the other slides down to grab my manhood. He's completely at attention as she pulls him out and stroke him. The head touches her southern lips, the moisture comparable to the amount he feels in the shower. She rolls the head up and down the length of her sweetness. We are now both moaning, me sucking on her and grinding. She pulls me forward as she stops the head at her entrance. I slip into her wetness, her sugary walls grabbing ahold of me and guiding me in as if there was a particular spot that I needed to reach. Judging from the way she responded, I guess I have reached it. We slowly roll together like a ship on the ocean. Even my most detailed dream couldn't compare to this feeling that I am experiencing. Time passes us by as we are in our own world, making our own rules. Her leg begins to shake again, the start of something great happening. She wraps her arms around me and pulls me in deeper. Unprepared for the feelings that have now surrounded me, I feel my own body starting to betray me. My eyes close. Her arms tighten. My thrusts deepen. Her moans increase. My breathing changes. Her breathing changes. I'm coming I say. I'm coming she says. Oh shit we say. Fireworks pop off. The bell sounds. Whistles blow. We have reached the finish line at the same time, both of us feeling like winners. We get up and wash. She checks her phone, her homegirl called her back to say that had fell asleep but she hid a key for her. Not wanting to have to wake up early and drive across time, she opts to leave now. I ask if she's sure, and if she's safe to drive. She says the only intoxication she feels right now is a result of what just happened. I laugh, she laugh. We hug. Electricity still flowing through us but that's for another time.
Staring at the ceiling. Another night. Same dream. I can't seem to get her out of my head, no matter how much I try. Hell, who I am fooling. I haven't tried to get her out. Matter-of-fact, I welcome her in. Invite her. Something about the way she walks, the way she rocks her locs. Her smile, her look. Damn she got me blown. Let me get out of this bed because daydreaming on something I can't have is pointless.
"Beep beep"
*checks text*
Just when I tried to get my mind focused on something else, she texts me. It's a simple "hey, how are you", but it does more than she intended. I hit her back and hop in the shower, getting my day started because it's going to be a long one. Water running all over my body, caressing me, kissing my skin with wet lips. As I lean my head back, I feel her lips on my neck. Her hands on my chest, her nipples against my back. Her hand slowly goes lower, my blood racing south along with it. They reach their destination at the same time, both running the length of my manhood. She slowly strokes me, her red skin against my chocolate temple. The feeling is astounding, one of utter bliss. I think to myself, "damn this feels....cold?" The once steaming water has now grown cold, my thoughts causing me to lose track of time. Hell, a cold shower is probably what I need right about now anyways. I finish my shower and dry off, my homie still standing at attention as if to say "you thought that was going to calm me down". Dismissing him, I get dressed and head out. First stop: the mall. Tonight there's a party uptown for one of my friends so I'm trying to find just a little something to wear. After about an hour and a half, I find an outfit. Next stop is the barbershop. I want to get a haircut but instead I opt for a shape-up, trying to get my hair to grow out in hopes that I can get her to play in it one day. I figure since I'm out, I should go ahead and wash my car since it's already feeling nice outside.
"Beep beep"
She texts me again, telling me that she doesn't know if she's going to make it out tonight because she's upset at something. I don't pry into her life, knowing that she knows I always have a shoulder for her. So instead I inform her that maybe getting out for a few would help alleviate the stress. She texts back that she might and she will let me know a little later. I text back ok, although in my mind I'm hoping that she will make it out. True it's slightly selfish of me, but I need her there because she helps alleviate my stress. Her presence keeps my spirits on high.
I contact one of my co-workers who has inside connects at hotels and I end up getting a room uptown. I figure that tonight may be a little crazy and I don't want to run the risk of drinking and driving because the police have been cracking down on it. Plus the room was cheap. I head back to the spot to gather up everything that I will need and shoot to the room. On my way I get a bottle of Rose' and a bottle of Patron. Once inside I fix me a drink and relax. The Chicago Bulls are playing the Miami Heat and my homie Derrick Rose is back. The Bulls are putting a clinic on the Heat, just how I like it. After three shots of Patron, the running around of today has started to take a toll on me. I still have five hours left before I need to get ready so I take a nap.
She walks into the room, her sexy legs showcased because of the dress she has on. They guide her to the side of the bed and I am enamored by the perfection that is beside me. She touches the side of my face, my head instinctively leaning in to accept her touch. My hand reaches for her leg, the softness and smoothness slightly catching me off guard. But then again, what else should I have expected from this angel. She stands up, slowly unzipping the back of her dress. She turns around, preparing to let the material drop to the floor. It's hard to describe how mesmerized I am. The dress falls past her shoulder, down her back, to her waist. I sit up a little, anticipating the next view that will be before me....
*Beep beep beep beep beep*
My alarm goes off. I roll over and shut it off, a feeling of disappoint slowly settling in. Damn it happened again. I have a few missed texts and a couple of missed calls. I respond back to everyone, seeing her text saying that she decided to go out and I better be there. Time to get up and get ready. I iron my clothes, take another shower, and fix me one more drink before heading out.
The party is banging. Everyone is having a good time, no cares in the world. She showed up looking like the epitome of perfection. We laugh, we joke, both of us needing each other to take our minds off of life's obstacles. The night is winding down and a lot of the party-goers are headed out. The DJ has commenced to play slow jams, the cue that the party was coming to an end. AS he states that this is the last lone, he plays "Bad" by Wale ft. Tiara. The beat drops, sounds of desire oozing out of the speakers. As if the melody was her puppet master, her body begins to sway and swerve, the dance of seduction being displayed prominently. She steps in front of me, her backside in tune with my front. As if two cobras doing a deadly dance, our bodies intertwine, oblivious to the outside world. The song ends along with our mating ritual. The heat between us is enough to fry eggs. Finally we walk out with the rest of the stragglers. We say our goodbyes and I start walking to my hotel. Seeing that I was on foot, she calls out to me to see if I needed a ride. I accept, if for nothing else than to spend just another moment with her. She asks me to drive since I know where the hotel is at. I oblige, both of us feeling the effects of the alcohol. I park at the hotel and asks if she is okay to drive home. She states that she was supposed to stay with her homegirl tonight but her homegirl is not answering the phone so can she chill for a few while she continue to call. We head upstairs, laughing at the different highlights of the night. Upon entering the room I make myself comfortable as she calls her friend again. This time the phone has gone directly to voicemail. Knowing that her homegirl has probably fallen asleep she puts the phone down and makes herself comfortable as well. We talk a little about the things going on with us. I get up to fix me a drink now that I don't have to be out in public anymore. She asks for one as well. I reach for the Rose' but she asks for a shot of Patron as well. We take our drinks and down them, the liquid going down as if we were drinking water, a sign of one too many drinks being consumed. After watching the highlights on ESPN and seeing that my Bulls defeated the Heat, I wash up and put on my nightwear. She asks me for a t-shirt to put on. I had purchased two tees at the mall earlier, but the longer one I currently had on. I offered up the second one, which was smaller on me but ran mid-thigh to her. As she came out of the bathroom from washing up and changing, I couldn't help but briefly stare. She makes anything look good. She enters the bed on the other side of the bed, the king size bed putting a lot of space between us. I flip through the channels looking for something on tv. As usual, nothing good is on until I reach HBO. "Love Jones" has been on about 20 minutes, the scene where Larenz Tate is performing his "Brother to the Night(A Blues for Nina)" poem. This scene is always powerful to me, and judging by how intrigued she is, she feels the same way. Somehow, we have both made our way to the middle of the bed. She stretches out her leg a little, slightly brushing against my leg. Although the touch is minimal, the electricity flowing through is enough to power a city block. We watch a few more minutes of the movie before she turns her back to me, calling it a night. Cutting off the tv and putting on my nightly playlist to help me sleep, I follow suit, the last shot we took finally taking it's toll on me. As if second nature I turn to face her. Instinctively she slides back into me, causing my arm to reach around her and hold her. On cue, the previous song goes off and "Bad" by Wale comes on. As the first few rifts begin, she starts slowly grinding her body on mine. The feeling is causing my vessel to stretch. She feels it and continues moving on him. I start to grind back, my hands caressing every inch of her body. I massage her back and she starts to moan. Turning her onto her stomach, I sit atop of her. I continue my massaging of her back. As I do, the bottom of the t-shirt keeps riding up, her pretty red cheeks peeking out. More massaging causes more of the shirt to inch up until her pretty, nude ass is completely exposed, the absence of underwear making that possible. I slide my hands under her shirt to touch her back and slowly work my way down. As I massage her ass, she moans deeper and raises her hips to meet my hands. I lean forward and place kisses on her back, my hands having been replaced with my mouth. Wet kisses all over, enjoying the feel of her skin. I find my way to her round mound of brown, parting her legs while I continue kissing. Stretching my tongue out as far as it can go when I reach the space between her legs, I taste the sweetest treat ever made. She throws her body back onto my face, my tongue diving deep into her warmth, the tip tickling her g-spot. She raises up higher to give me access into her cave. I flip her over to wrap my lips around her clit. Flicking my tongue across it steadily, firmly. She places on hand on my head and pushes me in deeper, and I eagerly obey. Her right leg starts to shake, her moans start to become inaudible. She grabs my head and squeezes it as her body rids her of a beautiful orgasm. Her body is still trembling as I climb on top of her to suck her perfect nipples. She wraps one hand around my head, the other slides down to grab my manhood. He's completely at attention as she pulls him out and stroke him. The head touches her southern lips, the moisture comparable to the amount he feels in the shower. She rolls the head up and down the length of her sweetness. We are now both moaning, me sucking on her and grinding. She pulls me forward as she stops the head at her entrance. I slip into her wetness, her sugary walls grabbing ahold of me and guiding me in as if there was a particular spot that I needed to reach. Judging from the way she responded, I guess I have reached it. We slowly roll together like a ship on the ocean. Even my most detailed dream couldn't compare to this feeling that I am experiencing. Time passes us by as we are in our own world, making our own rules. Her leg begins to shake again, the start of something great happening. She wraps her arms around me and pulls me in deeper. Unprepared for the feelings that have now surrounded me, I feel my own body starting to betray me. My eyes close. Her arms tighten. My thrusts deepen. Her moans increase. My breathing changes. Her breathing changes. I'm coming I say. I'm coming she says. Oh shit we say. Fireworks pop off. The bell sounds. Whistles blow. We have reached the finish line at the same time, both of us feeling like winners. We get up and wash. She checks her phone, her homegirl called her back to say that had fell asleep but she hid a key for her. Not wanting to have to wake up early and drive across time, she opts to leave now. I ask if she's sure, and if she's safe to drive. She says the only intoxication she feels right now is a result of what just happened. I laugh, she laugh. We hug. Electricity still flowing through us but that's for another time.
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